Macro – a set of commands that perform a computer algorithm designed to perform tasks for a specific application. Usually it is used to automate certain actions or make changes to documents without user interaction.
CATIA Macro is a tool that allows access to many functions of CATIA system, not accessible from other levels of application. By using Visual Basic to create macros we gain the ability to use a professional development environment with its tools and capabilities. These two major factors allow us to create solutions to the most complex tasks assigned to us by customers and prepare them to work according to individual needs. The use of CATIA Macro option accelerates and facilitate the work at every stage: from the preparation of starting documents, by importing information from external applications, and ending with the final check of the information/data structure and export.
Among a wide range of possibilities offered by the macros that work with CATIA system the most important are:
Our macros and scripts offer can be divided into five parts that vary depending on level of sophistication and required amount of work:
Based on our extensive experience we are ready to take challenges in all aspects of creating macros that work with CATIA system. Every task we assigned to is treated individually, in order to ensure maximum effectiveness and efficiency of solutions we create.
New demos of selected macros are currently being prepared and will be available soon.
If you want additional information, please contact us