MACRO Points

Macro Points allows you to export coordinates of points identified by the user in a 3D model to a file in *.txt or *.csv . The procedure also works in reverse, from a suitably prepared input file (*.txt or *.csv) macro reads the coordinates and use them to create a *. CATPart with points defined in a design space.

About the service

Macro application and capabilities:

  • creating 3D elements on the basis of the coordinates from an external file e.g. from a measuring machine or an optical scanner,
  • export of information about 3D models (coordinates of points, hole diameters, dimensions, tolerances, etc.) to external files with a fixed structure,
  • comparing measured data (CMM) of a finished product with models created in CATIA and automatic report generation on this basis.


  • time saving e.g. it takes about 5 seconds to create one point from the point of application manually, at the same time the macro generates about 50 points,
  • eliminating errors resulting from manual data entry,
  • eliminating errors resulting from the standard method of measurement.

Macros - Demonstration files

New demos of selected macros are currently being prepared and will be available soon.

If you want additional information, please contact us