MACRO Cleaning

The task of the macro described here is to present how to hide/show selected elements/operations used in creating parts in the assembly. A macro can be freely extended and customized for specific customer requirements.

About the service

Macro application and capabilities:

  • carrying out operations on the characteristics of the elements searched by the given key (name, color, description, parameter, etc.),
  • change of the characteristics/parameters of all elements/operations that meet the selection criteria in a single step,
  • search for elements inconsistent with the current standards and editing them.


  • reduction in time needed to search for elements/operations that meet the accepted criterion, while maintaining possibility of interference in their characteristics,
  • checking the compatibility of each model element with a predefined diagram, regardless of its complexity and size.

Macros - Demonstration files

New demos of selected macros are currently being prepared and will be available soon.

If you want additional information, please contact us